A Guide to customising the Best Digital Signages


In a fast-paced world, not many have the time to read small texts for information. Simple phrases and texts that stand out are usually the ones that speak most to the public. With this change in dynamic, many businesses require digital signages.

The best digital signage in Australia is typically bright, attractive, and defines its space.

What is a Digital Signage?

Digital signages or electronic billboards usually comprise an LCD screen displaying a graphic. These graphics typically market products and services or provide simple information like directions or building plans (i.e. for malls or office complexes)

Benefits of Digital Signages over Typical Signages

Advertisements or building plans are subject to change. In typical signages, one replaces either the entire structure or the laminate. This replacement produces a lot of waste, and if done frequently, can result in unnecessary expenditure.

With digital signages, one only changes the graphic for the same screen. This procedure saves time and money, making it more efficient and feasible for a generation on the go.

Different Types of Digital Signages

There are different styles for digital signages. Apart from buildings like malls, one can find many at gas stations, airports, or bus stands!

Digital Posters

Posters are the most uncomplicated digital signages. They are usually wall-mounted flat LCD screens.

Free Standing Displays

These LCD screen displays stand bolted to the ground. This position makes the advertisement more obtrusive but also more noticeable.

Ceiling Mounted Displays

These displays conserve space but are signs can go unnoticed because looking upward is unnatural.

Outdoor Displays

This display is perhaps the best digital signage in Australia. With life being outdoors under the sun and on beaches, outdoor signages receive more attention.

Outdoor signages require waterproofing and temperature control systems but are the best investment in marketing.

How to Create the Best Signage Content

To maximise investment in digital signages, having good content is crucial. Here are a few tips to follow while creating content for the same.

Keep it Short

Many appreciate simplicity in a world that is attracted to minimalistic content. Everyone is constantly on the go and can only take in small amounts of information while juggling daily activities.

Proofread and Edit

Spelling and grammatical mistakes in an advertisement are embarrassing. They also leave consumers with a poor impression of the advertised service.

Graphics and Animation

Enlisting the services of an experienced graphic designer can make for a good investment. Everyone is attracted to good graphics and well-animated advertisements.

Audience Target

It is crucial to identify the targeted consumer pool before generating content and choosing a space for the display. Doing this ensures that the content does not become too generic.

Reuse and Rotate

Generating content takes time, and it is wise to reuse content on social media. Doing this also helps in creating a brand image.

It is also crucial to follow up on generated content as it attracts more consumers. A story or lesson linked to the service keeps consumers coming back.

Best Ways to Customise Signs


While creating a brand image, having unique art displayed can intrigue and attract consumers. Graphic design and artists play a huge role in creating such content.


Many institutions strive to include the differently-abled. A creative way to incorporate this is through braille signages.

Neon Signages

Services or businesses with a younger consumer pool need to employ different ways to attract their attention. Brightly lit digital signages like neon signs work best for businesses like clubs, bars, and tattoo salons.