Read to Know How Femoral Hernia Repair Is Performed

Hernia is a certain medical condition that can occur both among adult males and females and also among children. There are different varieties of hernia and the percentage of such issues may vary due to many factors.
Femoral hernia is also a type of hernia that can happen to both males and females however, adult females have more chance as compared to any male. These days, many video presentations are available on the Webop platform that can help the professional to repair this type of hernia condition.
The Webop platform has been developed by a few German surgeons based in Cologne and is basically meant for practicing surgeons. Even medical students can take advantage of this platform and learn the finer details of the procedure.
What is a femoral hernia?
When there is a certain protrusion observed in the abdominal viscus or preperitoneal fat is developed through the canal and femoral ring, doctors diagnose this as a femoral hernia.
Initially, this type of hernia will descend down to a saphenous opening vertically, which will soon expand considerably once they are out of the opening.
What is the treatment?
After the patient is diagnosed with this hernia then effective repair must be undertaken because there is always a risk of strangulation because of the following:
- Narrow neck
- Tortuous course
- Adhesions.
As per the data available from the medical fraternity mortality rate of this issue is 10 to 14% and the rate of obstruction/strangulation is 30 to 86%. Almost in 9.3 to 33.7% of cases, emergency surgery is suggested.
There are following 2 techniques available to repair this condition:
- Open surgery
- Laparoscopic method.
Generally, surgeons after checking the condition of the patient as well as consulting with their colleagues choose the method of treatment. Often there can be emergency situation too when the surgeons may go for surgery.
1. Open surgical repair
In the case of any simple and modest femoral hernia, this easy and quick procedure can be chosen under local anaesthetic conditions. In order to handle the sac and its coverings, a technique which is known as transverse groin-crease incision will be performed below the inguinal ligament.
In order to facilitate reduction, a minor incision may also be considered but this procedure has got a certain risk of damaging an aberrant obturator artery branch.
2. Laparoscopic surgery
The following are a few benefits of going for laparoscopic surgery:
- There will be a good exposure
- Hidden hernias can be detected
- Reduced postoperative pain
- Recovery is also far quicker.
If the condition of your femoral hernia is not too complicated then the TEP laparoscopic method can be preferred, however, the TAPP approach will be suitable for the case where incarcerated or strangulated hernia is diagnosed.
Femoral hernia is also another type of hernia that may occur both in males and females, however, there are more chances of adult females to get this type of hernia.
There are advanced techniques available to repair this condition. Open surgery and Laparoscopic surgery are the two procedures that are generally employed by medical professionals.