Online First Aid for the Workplace Training Program


You never know when you’ll need to utilize first aid skills and the confidence to act in a potentially life-threatening scenario, so this online office first aid course is necessary for everyone in the workplace and household.

This online course uses high-quality videos and written instructions to teach you how to recognize emergencies, treat conditions and reactions, and take proper action in the event of an incident. As part of your training, you’ll learn how to offer first aid during the COVID-19 pandemic and the additional steps required, such as personal protective gear (PPE) and thorough cleaning.

Firstly, what is the term “first aid” used for?

First aid refers to the initial medical assistance typically given right away at the scene when an injury occurs. It’s a one-time, short-term treatment that doesn’t require a lot of specialised equipment or training to deliver. There are a variety of first aid techniques that can be used to treat minor wounds, such as cleaning tiny cuts, scrapes, or scratches, applying bandages and dressings, and non-prescription drugs, and removing dirt from the eyes. For example, a worker is taken to the first-aid room by a trained nurse and given a dressing for a minor cut. Employers are exempt from disclosing an accident because a registered nurse received just first aid treatment, notwithstanding her status as a health care provider.

Who should enroll in this course?

This training is designed for individuals and organizations looking to improve or learn new first aid skills. This course does not require any prior training in first aid because it covers all the fundamentals.

This training is best suited for low-risk businesses (such as offices, stores, and restaurants). First-aid needs assessment indicates that a competent first aider is not necessary. This training fulfills the obligation for all employees, especially those in charge of first-aid arrangements, to have first aid expertise.

Aims of the course

After completing this course, you will be able to say:

  • The workplace first aid regulations include first aid kits, training, and reporting incident.
  • Hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, cleaning after first aid, and waste management are all factors preventing the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Both a primary and a secondary survey can be carried out using the abbreviation DRABC (danger response airway breathing circulation).
  • Learn how to place victims in a recovery posture, perform CPR, and utilize defibrillators if you suspect a spinal injury.
  • Treatment for various injuries, such as choking and wounds, shock, burn and scalds, eye and head injuries, fracture and sprain/strain/dislocation, and spinal injuries.
  • Learn how to deal with many illnesses and ailments, such as heart attacks and angina, strokes, and epilepsy. You’ll also learn how to deal with allergies and diabetic situations.
  • You must know what you should and should not do when administering first aid during the COVID-19 pandemic.

An online first aid course employs high-quality videos and instructions to educate you on identifying emergencies. The medical assistance provided at the scene of an accident or emergency is known as first aid. You don’t need a lot of specific equipment or training for this one-time therapy. Those who work in low-risk industries should take this course. As a result of the assessment, a skilled first aider is no longer required. Those in charge of first-aid arrangements and all staff must obtain first aid training as a condition of employment.