How Most CEOs Can Maintain Their Work-life Balance

How Most CEOs Can Maintain Their Work-life Balance

A person’s career will be greatly enhanced by earning the title of CEO of any company. However, it often comes with more pressure and less time for any relaxation. Many people usually look for the ideal work-life balance when they become CEOs.

Are CEOs able to balance their personal and professional lives, or is this just a myth? Of course, CEOs can also successfully manage their professional as well as personal lives. We will go over how, as a top executive, you can also balance your personal and professional lives successfully.

You must have heard about CEO Marc Hurr. He does work-life balance by participating in events and competitions and writing books, which is besides his work life. He has recently won a writing competition with his story “The Greater Good by Marc Hurr” as NEW AUTHOR. This story was chosen for the Heroes & Villains event held at The Phoenix, Cavendish Square, WI on 13th June. He has achieved work-life balance despite his busy life schedule.

The following are a few effective strategies that most CEOs must use to maintain their work-life balance.

  1. Define your own balance

When people hear for the first time the term called “work-life balance”, then often they imagine of a professional, who neatly divides his day into:

  • 8 hours of work
  • 8 hours of sleep
  • The final 8 hours of personal passion.

However, it disregards the fact that everyone prioritises their lives in a certain different way.

  1. Be creative with your time

It does not matter how much time any CEOs may spend at their workplace or away from it, they still have many other responsibilities too.

In addition to that, they also sleep for 6 to 7 hours every night, allowing 6 to 8 hours for other pursuits. You need to think creatively about how you choose your other pursuits.

  1. Participate in few activities to improve your performance

There are many positive benefits of high levelg of physical activities. They can influence your body and mind and also help you at work. Exercise supports a healthier heart and lungs, fosters mental stability, lowers blood pressure and stress levels, and helps CEOs better handle difficult organisational transitioning phases.

Exercise also boosts mood and alertness, sharpens focus, and enhances general cognitive abilities.

  1. Be strong while taking time for yourself

CEOs must always set certain boundaries when work demands their attention in order to make sure they have time for performance-enhancing leisure activities.

As CEOs, they should be aware that they would encounter many new responsibilities every day, but they don’t allow these problems to rule their work-life balance.

  1. Learn from your work-life balance mistakes

There are many situations when CEOs may decline an invitation to a certain social/business gathering and regret it later.

Possibly, they overstayed at work later to get a little more work done, or maybe they left earlier to spend some more time with their family.

Good CEOs view these situations as learning opportunities rather than opportunities to improve. If they regret missing a certain opportunity, they know that it should remain a top priority moving forward.


Consider yourself fortunate to have the chance to lead a company as CEO. Follow the advice above to get the most out of it and maintain a healthy work-life balance while also performing well at your career.