5 Key Reasons Why Online Gaming Platforms Perform Age Verification


The online gaming industry is an ever-growing sector. Particularly since the onset of COVID-19, more individuals are forced to spend time indoors. This has majorly contributed to the growth of this sector. On the other hand, this has also resulted in unprecedented challenges that the industry was less prone to before. 

Age verification has become more than just a tick-the-box activity with more and more underage users and imposters joining e-gaming platforms. Because of the low amount of importance given to it, chances are you’re barely aware of the benefits age checks offer to online businesses. Keeping this under consideration, let’s start off by understanding what age verification solutions are and how they add value for online gaming platforms. 

Age Verification Solutions 

Age verification solutions are fully automated and AI-powered software that verifies the age of online users prior to letting them on the platforms. These solutions are typically utilized by online businesses that offer age-restricted products, such as online casinos, pharmaceuticals, and dating sites. In the gaming sector like poe ninja builds, only age-verified users are allowed to play games that may be violent in nature. However, a lack of internal efforts by e-gaming platforms has paved the way for scams to take place. Age verification solutions effortlessly keep fraudsters at bay and also make online gaming sites a safe place for underage users. 

5 Reason Why Age Verification Online is Utilized

In this section, we will be discussing five reasons why verifying age is necessary for e-gaming platforms. 

  • Corporate Social Responsibility 

Every business sector has a role to play when it comes to safeguarding the interests of the community and the stakeholders of the company. Being a thriving sector, online gaming platforms have the responsibility of performing necessary age checks for protecting minors on the platform. Age verification allows e-gaming sites to achieve this goal by performing simple checks to distinguish between false and legitimate information. Doing this enables the industry to play a positive role in the betterment of the community.

  • Better Compliance 

Global identity verification regulations have become more stringent for businesses in recent years, particularly for the companies that operate online. Along with the 40 Recommendations by the FATF, other regulations such as COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act) add to the responsibilities of e-gaming platforms. 

As non-compliance leads to fines, online age verification can conveniently streamline the process through an automated process. This can either be done by verifying users through biometric facial recognition or by utilizing document verification solutions for verifying the end-users age.  

  • Fraud Prevention

Financial fraud has become a recurring threat faced by the online gaming industry. Criminals can perform any of the following activities to harm the long-term wellbeing of an online gaming site.

  • Steal user data by hacking gaming accounts
  • Using the “phishing” technique to trick vulnerable gamers into transferring funds online
  • Stealing account credentials of minors to gain access to other accounts 
  • Manipulating minors into exposing credit card details of their parents  
  • Using stolen account details to forge a new identity (synthetic identity fraud) 

To keep all such fraudulent activities away from an online platform, age verification solutions have become a necessity. 

  • Safeguarding Minors

Without age verification methods, minors can easily onboard e-gaming platforms. Traditional methods of verifying the user’s age (such as asking “are you above 18?”) are no longer sufficient for minor protection. Age verification uses AI models to detect the identity of the players, making sure they are at a safe distance from fraudsters that may have infiltrated the site. 

  • Improving the Brand’s Image

An online gaming platform that utilizes an age verification solution is not only staying compliant with international regulations but is also preventing frauds, safeguarding underage users from external threats, and living up to their social responsibility. All of these factors make it easier for companies to acquire more customers as it portrays a strong brand image. As a result, the company is able to sustain itself in a highly competitive market by avoiding any reputational damage. 

Key Takeaways

  • Age verification has become essential for e-gaming platforms
  • It provides the added benefits of fraud prevention, minor protection, and a strong brand image 

Utilizing age verification solutions allow the company to avoid fines due to non-compliance with global regulations